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Over 60 stands consisting of a wide range of antiques and collectables to include furniture, clocks, jewellery, bygones, ceramics, glass, postcards, stamps, vintage fashion and art. Porters are on hand to help when available for both unloading and uploading. Homemade Refreshments available. Plenty of parking. Please follow the yellow and black signs directing you to the Sports and Conference Centre. Disability access available. Guide/Assistance Dogs only Please. This is a monthly fair (No fair in December) %BOLD_ON%Open%BOLD_OFF% 9.30am - 3.30pm (Trade 8.30am)%BOLD_ON%Admission%BOLD_OFF% £2 (Early entry £3)
Easton Antiques Fair

TEMPORARY reception THE GREEN ROOM, Easton College
Bawburgh Road

Tel. 01953 483691

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714