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We sell vintage Chandeliers imported from France and Belguim between 1900's and 1950's.. Each individual Chandelier has been lovingly restored and customised to create original one off pieces, thus producing a unique and bespoke Chandelier. Every chandelier has been completely stripped, rewired and earthed with new fittings to conform with British standards thus eliminating the cost of electricians re-wiring fees. The Vintage Chandelier Company offer a unique and individual product and can supply Chandeliers in various sizes, shapes and colours that will suit any home, both traditional or contemporary. Our showroom is based in Queens Park, NW6 London and please do call for a viewing.
Vintage Chandelier Company

By appointment only
Queens Park

Tel. 07931 303138

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714