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Fine antique porcelain and works of art. Specialising in armorial porcelains. 'a passion for provenance' * Chinese Export Armorial Porcelain * English Coalport, Derby & Worcester Armorial Porcelain from England * French Sevres, Paris Armorial & Royal Services Porcelain * German Meissen & Berlin Armorial Porcelain * Russian Armorial Porcelain & Royal Services * Porcelain for Royal Palaces * Porcelain with monograms or ciphers. The beautiful services made for families with links to the East India Company. Where possible we research the family history and can link the items to Royal Palaces, Chateau's and Castles of Britain & Europe. Strictly by appointment only.

By Appointment Only
Grays Mews

Tel. +44 7939512336

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