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​Pyrontique is run by Derek Connor and Bea White. Derek spent many years in Sussex and London working in the world of antiques and objects, principally restoring a wide range of unusual and interesting pieces of furniture and objects for clients throughout the UK, France and Europe.

Bea has worked in design and promotion for publishing, antiques and restoration companies amongst others and together they enjoy sourcing and collecting antiques and decorative objects. Our collection is mainly French antiques up to modern day classic antiques of the future.

We sell and distribute our antiques and objects from a large antiques centre based in Kent - viewing is possible by appointment.

Our collection is of good quality, individually checked and carefully restored if required.

We also offer a restoration service and sourcing for clients and interior design projects.

Private dealer
By appointment only

Tel. 07947 482350

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You can contact us directly by email on or by phone on Tel. 0161 613 5714