Georgian Antique Wall Clocks

Found 60 For Sale and Sold    ( 13 for sale  47 sold )  
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George III Mahogany Bracket Clock C1800.£7950 $10245.17   €9503.43 George III Mahogany Bracket Clock C1800.The Chimes Rosewood Ships Bulkhead Fusee 8” Dial Wall Clock£3500 $4510.45   €4183.9 Rosewood Ships Bulkhead Fusee 8” Dial Wall ClockTyne Antiques Wooden Dial Chisel Bottom Drop-Dial By Thwaites £5500 $7087.85   €6574.7 Wooden Dial Chisel Bottom Drop-Dial By Thwaites M C Taylor Clocks English Tavern /Act Of Parliament Wall Clock£9250 $11920.48   €11057.45 English Tavern /Act Of Parliament Wall ClockM C Taylor Clocks
Vienna Keyless Pulley Wall Clock£1950 $2512.97   €2331.03 Vienna Keyless Pulley Wall ClockTyne Antiques English Cartel Clock£7500 $9665.25   €8965.5 English Cartel ClockCove Clocks Rare Antique Parliament Wall Clock£2500 $3221.75   €2988.5 Rare Antique Parliament Wall ClockSovereign Antiques Rare 18th Century English Fusee Cartel Clock£9500 $12242.65   €11356.3 Rare 18th Century English Fusee Cartel ClockP.A.Oxley Antique Clocks
English Cartel Clock£8500 $10953.95   €10160.9 English Cartel ClockCove Clocks Verge Fusee Wall Clock£4500.00 $5799.15   €5379.3 Verge Fusee Wall ClockCove Clocks George II Hooded Wall Clock£5600 $7216.72   €6694.24 George II Hooded Wall ClockOlde Time Antique Clocks 14” Verge Dial Clock By Upjohn Of Exeter£6250 $8054.38   €7471.25 14” Verge Dial Clock By Upjohn Of ExeterThe Clock Work Shop Winchester
Very Rare Small Tavern Clock  Very Rare Small Tavern ClockThe Clock Work Shop Winchester Georgian Tavern Clock, With Large Convex Dial  Georgian Tavern Clock, With Large Convex DialMark Davis Antiques Rare George II Oak Hooded Wall Clock  Rare George II Oak Hooded Wall ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd Arsandaux Boulle Wall Bracket Clock£3650 $4703.76   €4363.21 Arsandaux Boulle Wall Bracket ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd
A Small Verge Escapement Cartel Wall Clock£770 $992.3   €920.46 A Small Verge Escapement Cartel Wall ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Hook & Spike Clock By John Baker Sevenoaks Circa 1735  Hook & Spike Clock By John Baker Sevenoaks Circa 1735Daryl Yeates Antiques Rare English 6” Fusee Drop Dial Timepiece 1824£1950 $2512.97   €2331.03 Rare English 6” Fusee Drop Dial Timepiece 1824Time To Admire Richard Rayment, Bury St Edmonds Lantern Clock£3650 $4703.76   €4363.21 Richard Rayment, Bury St Edmonds Lantern ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd
Quaker Hooded Wall Clock C.1740£1150 $1482.01   €1374.71 Quaker Hooded Wall Clock C.1740Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd 18th Century And Later Verge Lantern Clock£1600 $2061.92   €1912.64 18th Century And Later Verge Lantern ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd Robert Cutbush Maidstone Lantern Clock C.1750£2950 $3801.67   €3526.43 Robert Cutbush Maidstone Lantern Clock C.1750Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd Fine George II Period Verge Lantern Clock  Fine George II Period Verge Lantern ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd
Early Verge Fusee Bracket Clock Movement£995 $1282.26   €1189.42 Early Verge Fusee Bracket Clock MovementAntiques & Chic Regency Flame Mahogany & Brass Inlay Bracket Clock£3250 $4188.28   €3885.05 Regency Flame Mahogany & Brass Inlay Bracket ClockOverton Clocks Of Chesterfield A Fine Norwich Wall Clock By H Brittan£3995 $5148.36   €4775.62 A Fine Norwich Wall Clock By H BrittanOverton Clocks Of Chesterfield  A Rare George II Hooded Wall Clock By Thomas Lock£1950 $2512.97   €2331.03 A Rare George II Hooded Wall Clock By Thomas LockOverton Clocks Of Chesterfield
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